How our integration works

Morf has an extensive integration with Healthie and allows you to

  1. Trigger workflows based off of any events that Healthie emits (full list here)
  2. Access data from Healthie to update and control your workflow based on your criteria (e.g. a patient’s user group, their associated provider, their open forms)
  3. Save data or perform actions in Healthie (e.g. create a patient, insurance policy, task, metric, form, etc…)

For example: When a patient completes an appointment, you can trigger a workflow that will send a follow up assessment, and reminder the patient to complete it if it’s not completed in 2 days.

How we work with our customers

We currently are hands-on and high touch with our customers. The steps to get going are are…

  1. Discuss your use cases, tools, and biggest operational needs with Morf
  2. Align on how Morf will support you, pricing, and a timeline for launch
  3. Once contracts are signed, the Morf team will recommend the workflows to setup
  4. Morf will setup the workflows on your behalf
  5. You will test them out to make sure they are what you expect
  6. We’ll go live with your approval, and we’re off to the races!

Reach out [email protected], or fill out our contact form here.

We are in the process of rolling out the application that gives you visibility into your workflows and allows you to make changes yourself. Currently we use this application internally. We’ve found our customers benefit from consulting with us, talking through their needs, and setting up the workflows on their behalf.

Sample flows

Patient onboarding: Formsort → Active Campaign + Healthie + FB and Google Ads


Patient onboarding: Formsort → + Healthie